Our publications
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- Rodolfo Delmonte, Predicate Argument Structures for Information Extraction from Dependency Representations: Null Elements are Missing, Chapter II, to appear in “Studies in Computational Intelligence” published by Springer Verlag (Series Ed.: Kacprzyk, Janusz, ISSN: 1860-949X).
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Ciprian Bacalu, SPARSAR: a System for Poetry Automatic Rhythm and Style AnalyzeR, SLATE 2013, Grenoble.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, 2013. Transposing Meaning into Immanence: The Poetry of Francis Webb, in Rivista di Studi Italiani, pp. 15.
- Delmonte R., A computational approach to implicit entities and events in text and discourse, in International Journal of Speech Technology, Volume 11, Numbers 3-4 / December, 2008, pag. 195-208
- Delmonte R., 2009. Computational Linguistic Text Processing – Lexicon, Grammar, Parsing and Anaphora Resolution, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
- Delmonte R., E. Pianta, (2009), Computing Implicit Entities and Events for Story Understanding, in H.Bunt, V.Petukhova and S.Wubben(eds.), Proc. Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics IWCS-8, Tilburg University Press, pp. 277-281.
- Delmonte R., Treebanking in VIT: from Phrase Structure to Dependency Representation, in Sergei Nirenburg (ed.), Language Engineering for Lesser-Studied Languages, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp.51-80.
- Delmonte R., A.Bristot, G.Voltolina, Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering, Testing, and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009), NAACL, Boulder, 7-11.
- Delmonte R., (2009), Computing Implicit Entities and Events with Getaruns, in B.Sharp and M.Zock (eds.), Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science 2009, Insticc Press, Portugal, 23-35.
- Delmonte R., A.Bristot, S.Tonelli, E.Pianta, (2009), English/Veneto Resource Poor Machine Translation with STILVEN, in International Review BULAG – Special Edition, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, Besançon, pp.82-89.
- Bos Johan & Rodolfo Delmonte (eds.), 2008. Semantics in Text Processing (STEP), Research in Computational Semantics, Vol.1, College Publications, London.
- Jaber Suhel, R. Delmonte (2008), Arabic Morphology Parsing Revisited, Proc. CICLing-2008 – Haifa, Israel, February 17-23, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 96-105.
- Delmonte R., (2008), Speech Synthesis for Language Tutoring Systems, in V.Melissa Holland & F.Pete Fisher(eds.), (2008), The Path of Speech Technologies in Computer Assisted Language Learning, Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group -, New York, pp. 123-150.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Marco Aldo Piccolino Boniforti, (2008), Reranking GOOGLE with GReG, The 4th Web as Corpus Workshop: Can we do better than Google?, Marrakech, Morocco, LREC 2008, pp. 1-7.
- Delmonte R., G. Nicolae, S. Harabagiu (2007), A Linguistically-based Approach to Detect Causality Relations in Unrestricted Text, in Proc. MICAI-2007, IEEE Publications, 173-185.
- Delmonte R., Inducing Frames in the Italian Lexicon, in Rema Rossini Favretti(ed.), Frames, Corpora and Knowledge Representation, Bologna, Bononia University Press, pp.234-258.
- Delmonte R., E. Pianta, 2008. Answering Why-Questions in Closed domains from a Discourse Model, in Bos & Delmonte (eds.), STEP, pp. 109-114.
- Delmonte R., 2008. Semantic and Pragmatic Computing with GETARUNS, in Bos & Delmonte (eds.), STEP, pp. 287-298.
- Delmonte Rodolfo , Computational Linguistic Text Processing – Logical Form, Semantic Interpretation, Discourse Relations and Question Answering, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
- R. Delmonte, A. Bristot, M.A. Piccolino Boniforti and Sara Tonelli , Entailment and Anaphora Resolution in RTE3, (to appear) Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing, 1-6, ACL 2007, Prague.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Gabriel Nicolae, Sanda Harabagiu, Cristina Nicolae, A LINGUISTICALLY-BASED APPROACH TO DISCOURSE RELATIONS RECOGNITION, in: Proceedings NLPCS, Funchal (Madeira), 1-8.
- Delmonte R., A. Bristot, S. Tonelli , Overlaps in AVIP/IPAR, the Italian Treebank of Spontaneous Speech, in Manuel Alcantara Pla & Thierry Declerk(Eds.), Proc. SRSL7 – Semantic Representation of Spoken Language, CAEPIA – Salamanca, pp. 29-38.
- Delmonte R. Bristot A., Tonelli S. , VIT – Venice Italian Treebank: Syntactic and Quantitative Features, in K. De Smedt, Jan Hajic, Sandra Kübler(Eds.), Proc. Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Nealt Proc. Series Vol.1, pp. 43-54.
- Delmonte R., Bristot A., Piccolino Boniforti, M.A. and Tonelli, S.(2006), VENSES – A Linguistically-Based System for Semantic Evaluation , in Joaquin Quinonero-Candela, Ido Dagan, Bernardo Magnini, Florence d’Alché-Buc (eds), Machine Learning Challenges. Evaluating Predictive Incertainty, Visual Object Classification, and Recognising Textual Entailment: First PASCAL Machine Learning Challenges Workshop, MLCW 2005, Southampton, UK, April 11-13, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, 81-91. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 334-371. ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 3-540-33427-0.
- Delmonte R., Bristot A., Piccolino Boniforti M.A., and Tonelli S., 2006, Another Evaluation of Anaphora Resolution Algorithms and a Comparison with GETARUNS’ Knowledge Rich Approach , ROMAND 2006, 11th EACL, Trento, Association for Computational Linguistics, 3-10, ISBN 1-9324-32-61-2.
- Delmonte R., Bristot A., Piccolino Boniforti M.A., and Tonelli S., 2006, Coping with Semantic Uncertainty with VENSES , in: B. Magnini, I. Dagan (eds.), Proceedings of the Challenges Workshop – The 2nd PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge, 86-91, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia.
- Delmonte Rodolfo, 2006. Building Domain Ontologies from Text Analysis: an Application for Question Answering, Bernadette Sharp (ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop for Natural Language Understanding & Cognitive Science, Cyprus, ICEIS, 3-16. INSTICC Press, Portugal. ISBN: 972-8863-50-3, ISBN: (13 digits): 978-972-8865-50-4
- Delmonte Rodolfo, 2006. Hybrid Systems for Information Extraction and Question Answering, Proceedings of CLIIR Workshop – How Can Computational Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval? – COLING/ACL2006, Sydney, 1-8.
- Sara Tonelli, Rodolfo Delmonte, Knowledge-poor and Knowledgr-rich Approach in Anaphora Resolution Algorithms: a Comparison, Atti Convegno SLI, Vercelli.
- Antonella Bristot, M.A. Piccolino Boniforti, Rodolfo Delmonte, VIT – Venice Italian Treebank: caratteristiche sintattico-semantiche e quantitative, Atti Convegno SLI, Vercelli.
- Dario Bianchi, Rodolfo Delmonte, Learning Ontologies from Text Analysis: An Application for Question Answering, Proceedings of Workshop “Meaning 2005 – Developing Multilingual Web-Scale Language Technologies”, Trento, 49-54.
- Delmonte R., Parsing Overlaps, in B. Fisseni, H.C. Schmitz, B. Schroeder, P. Wagner (Hrsg.), Sprachtechnologie, mobile Kommunikation und linguistische Ressourcen, Sprache, Sprechen und Computer, Bd.8, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, ISSN 1435-5736, ISBN 3-631-53874-X, pp. 497-512.
- Delmonte R., Deep & Shallow Linguistically Based Parsing, in A.M. Di Sciullo (ed.), UG and External Systems, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 335-374.
- Delmonte, R., TEXT UNDERSTANDING FROM DISCOURSE MODEL AND INFERENTIAL PROCESSES, in C.N. Martinez, M.Moneglia (eds), Atti del Convegno “Computers, Literature and Philology”, (CLIPS) 2003, pp. 149-200.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, STRUTTURE SINTATTICHE DALL’ANALISI COMPUTAZIONALE DI CORPORA DI ITALIANO, in Anna Cardinaletti (a cura di), “Intorno all’Italiano Contemporaneo” Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 187-220.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Evaluating Students’ Summaries with GETARUNS, Proc.INSTIL/ICALL2004, Unipress, Padova, 91-98.
- P. Cosi, R. Delmonte, S. Biscetti, R. A. Cole, B. Pellom, S. van Vuren, ITALIAN LITERACY TUTOR: tools and technologies for individuals with cognitive disabilities, in R. Delmonte & S. Tonelli (eds), Proc.INSTIL/ICALL2004, Venezia, 207-215.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Text Understanding with GETARUNS for Q/A and Summarization, Proc. ACL 2004 – 2nd Workshop on Text Meaning & Interpretation, Barcelona, Columbia University, pp. 97-104.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Parsing Arguments and Adjuncts, Proc. Interfaces Conference, IEEE – ICEIS (the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), Pescara, ISBN: 86-7466-117-3, 1-21.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Evaluating GETARUNS Parser with GREVAL Test Suite, Proc. ROMAND – 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics – COLING, University of Geneva, 32-41.
- Rodolfo Delmonte, Antonella Bristot, Luminita Chiran, Ciprian Bacalu, Sara Tonelli, PARSING THE ORAL CORPUS AVIP/API (Progetto AVIP/API – Unità di Ricerca dell’Università “Ca’ Foscari” di Venezia), Albano Leoni A., Cutugno F., Pettorino M., Savy R.(a cura di), Atti del Convegno “Il Parlato Italiano”, M.D’Auria Editore, N08, 1-19.
- Delmonte R., 2003. Multilevel linguistic transducers for the representation of spontaneous dialogues: from form to meaning in xml format, in P.Cosi, E.Magno Caldognetto, A.Zamboni (a cura di),”Voce, Canto, Parlato”, Studi in Onore di Franco Ferrero, CNR, Padova, UNIPRESS, pp.117-134.
- Delmonte R., 2003. LINGUISTIC KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING FOR ERROR DIAGNOSIS AND FEEDBACK GENERATION, in Trude Heift and Mathias Schulze (eds.), Error Analysis and Error Correction in Computer-Assisted Language Learning CALICO Spring 2003 special issue, CALICO JOURNAL, Southwest Texas State University, pp.513-532.
- Delmonte R., 2003. Getaruns: a hybrid system for summarization and question answering, in Proc. Workshop “Natural Language Processing for Question Answering” in EACL, Budapest, ACL Columbia University, pp.21-28.
- Delmonte R. & Bianchi D., 2003. NLP e ragionamento per la diagnosi degli errori e la generazione di feedback, in AI*IA Notizie, XVI, 1, p.61-66, Milano.
- Delmonte R., 2003. The Semantic Web Needs Anaphora Resolution, Proc.Workshop ARQAS, 2003 International Symposium on Reference Resolution and Its Applications to Question Answering and Summarization, Venice, Ca’ Foscari University, pp.25-32.
- Delmonte R., Antonella Bristot, Luminita Chiran, Ciprian Bacalu, Sara Tonelli, Parsing the Oral Corpus AVIP/API, in Atti del Convegno Internationale “Il Parlato Italiano”, Napoli, Università di Napoli, pp. 20
- Delmonte R., 2003. Parsing Spontaneous Speech, in Proc. EUROSPEECH2003, Pallotta Vincenzo, Popescu-Belis Andrei, Rajman Martin “Robust Methods in Processing of Natural Language Dialogues” , Genève, ESCA, pp, 1-6.
- Delmonte R., Dario Bianchi, 2003. Semantic Web, RDFs and NLP for QA, in N.Calzolari & B.Magnini(eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on “Topics and Perspectives of NLP in Italy”, Università di Pisa, AI*IA, 67-75.
- Delmonte R. (2002), A Prosodic Module for Self-Learning Activities, Proc.SPEECHPROSODY2002, Aix-en-Provence, 243-246.
- Delmonte R. (2002), Relative Clause Attachment And Anaphora: A Case For Short Binding, Proc.TAG+6, Venice, pp.84-89.
- Delmonte R. (2002), From Deep to Shallow Anaphora Resolution: What Do We Lose, What Do We Gain, in Proc. International Symposium RRNLP, Alicante, pp.25-34.
- Delmonte R., D. Bianchi (2002), From Deep to Partial Understanding with GETARUNS, Proc.ROMAND2002, Universita’ Roma2, Roma, pp.57-71.
- Bianchi D., R.Delmonte (2002), Tecniche di apprendimento applicate al problema del tagging: una prima valutazione per l’ Italiano, Workshop “NLP E WEB: LA SFIDA DELLA MULTIMODALITA’ TRA APPROCCI SIMBOLICI E APPROCCI STATISTICI”, Convegno Nazionale AI*IA, Siena, pp.20-34.
- Delmonte R., D. Bianchi (2002), Reasoning On Mistakes For Feedback Generation, Workshop “NLP E WEB: LA SFIDA DELLA MULTIMODALITA’ TRA APPROCCI SIMBOLICI E APPROCCI STATISTICI”, Convegno Nazionale AI*IA, Siena, pp.40-48.
- Delmonte R. (2002), From Deep to Shallow Anaphora Resolution:, in Proc. DAARC2002 , 4th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphora Resolution Colloquium, Lisbona, pp.57-62.
- Delmonte R. (2002), GETARUN PARSER – A parser equipped with Quantifier Raising and Anaphoric Binding based on LFG, Proc. LFG2002 Conference, Athens, pp.130-153, available at http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/hand/miscpubsonline.html.
- Delmonte R. (2002), Relative Clause Attachment And Anaphora: Conflicts In Grammar And Parser Architectures, in A.M. Si Sciullo (ed), Grammar and Natural Language Processing, UQAM, Montreal, pp.63-87.
- Delmonte R., 2002. Feedback generation and linguistic knowledge in ‘SLIM’ automatic tutor, ReCALL 14 (1): Cambridge University Press, 209-234.
- Delmonte R., 2002. Speech Synthesis For Language Tutoring Systems, in Melissa Holland and Francis N. Fisher(eds), “Speech Technology for Language Learning”, Swets and Zeitlinger, pp.28.
- Delmonte R., Giorgia Bortolato, 2002. Apprendimento dell’Intonazione tedesca e annotazione GTOBI, in Atti della XIII Giornata del Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale, Pisa, pp.8.
- Delmonte R., Dario Bianchi, Piero Cosi, 2002. Tecnologie linguistiche per la generazione di feedback, in Atti TIPI, Istituto Superiore C.T.I., Roma, pp.99-105.
- Delmonte R.(2001), Tecniche e Strumenti per una Scomposizione e Rappresentazione Multilivello del contenuto linguistico di Dialoghi Spontanei (Tecniche e Strumenti per la rappresentazione di dialoghi), CNR, Roma.
- Delmonte R.(2001), SHORT BINDING AND GRAMMAR ARCHITECTURE – A PROBLEM FOR PARSERS, talk delivered at IGG27, 2/3/01, Trieste.
- Delmonte R.(2001), DISCOURSE STRUCTURE REPRESENTATION IN GETARUN, Workshop “Discourse Representation and Analysis “, EPFL, 22/5/01, Lausanne.
- Delmonte R.(2001), Linguistic Information Extraction for Text Summarization, talk delivered at CIS Muenchen, 29/06/01. .
- Delmonte, R, (2002), PARSER AND FEEDBACK FOR NLP STUDENTS, talk delivered at the Workshop, “Computational and Pedagogical Challenges for NLP in CALL”, SIG in Language Processing, 29/8/01, Nijmegen.
- Delmonte R.(2001), Good and bad practices in CALL: will e-learning help the student with the appropriate feedback?, invited talk at EUROCALL 2001, Keynote 2, 30/8/01, Nijmegen.
- Delmonte R. (2001), MULTIMEDIA FEEBACK GENERATION AND LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGIES, talk delivered at Queen’s University, Faculty of Education, Kingston (Ontario).
- Delmonte R., Luminita Chiran, Ciprian Bacalu(2001), HOW TO INTEGRATE LINGUISTIC INFORMATION IN FILES AND GENERATE FEEDBACK FOR GRAMMAR ERRORS, Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources for Research and Education, ACL, Toulouse, 10-14.
- Delmonte R. (2001), How to Annotate Linguistic Information in FILES and SCAT, in Atti del Workshop “La Treebank Sintattico-Semantica dell’Italiano di SI-TAL”, Bari, pp.75-84.
- Delmonte R., SLIM Prosodic Automatic Tools for Self-Learning Instruction, Speech Communication 30, 145-166.
- Delmonte R., Speech Synthesis for Language Tutoring Systems, Proc. InSTIL2000, Dundee, pp. 30.
- Delmonte R., Generating and Parsing Clitics with GETARUN, Proc. CLIN’99, Utrech, pp.13.
- Delmonte R., L.Chiran, C.Bacalu, Towards An Annotated Database For Anaphora Resolution, LREC, Atene, pp.7.
- Delmonte R., Shallow Parsing And Functional Structure In Italian Corpora, LREC, Atene, pp.7.
- Delmonte R., Luminita Chiran, Ciprian Bacalu, Elementary Trees For Syntactic And Statistical Disambiguation, TAG+5, Paris, pp.4.
- Delmonte R., Parsing Preferences and Linguistic Strategies, in LDV-Forum – Zeitschrift fuer Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie – “Communicating Agents”, Band 17, 1,2, (ISSN 0175-1336), pp. 56-73.
- Montemagni et al.(2000), The Italian Syntactic-Semantic Treebank: Architecture, Annotation, Tools and Evaluation, LINC, ACL, Luxembourg, pp.18-27.
- Delmonte R., Parsing with GETARUN, Proc.TALN2000, 7° confèrence annuel sur le TALN, Lausanne, pp.133-146.
- Delmonte R., Generating from a Discourse Model, Proc. MT 2000 – MACHINE TRANSLATION AND MULTILINGUAL APPLICATIONS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, BCS, Exeter(UK), pp.25-1/10.
- Bristot A., Chiran L., R.Delmonte, Verso una annotazione XML di dialoghi spontanei per l’analisi sintattico-semantica, XI Giornate di Studio GFS, Multimodalità e Multimedialità nella comunicazione, Padova.
- Delmonte R., Il TTS per simulare l’interlingua in sistemi per l’autoapprendimento delle lingue, XI Giornate di Studio GFS, Multimodalità e Multimedialità nella comunicazione, Padova, 45-52.
- Bacalu C., Delmonte R. (1999), Prosodic Modeling for Syllable Structures from the VESD – Venice English Syllable Database, in Atti 9¡ Convegno GFS-AIA, Venezia.
- Delmonte R. (1999), A Prosodic Module for Self-Learning Activities, Proc.MATISSE, London, 129-132.
- Bristot A., Delmonte R.(1999), Il MUSEIKA in giapponese: desonorizzazione, devocalizzazione o elisione vocalica?, in Atti 9¡ Convegno GFS-AIA, Venezia.
- Delmonte R. (1999), La variabilità prosodica: dalla sillaba al contenuto informativo, in Atti 9¡ Convegno GFS-AIA, Venezia.
- Delmonte R., E.Pianta(1999), Tag Disambiguation in Italian, in Proc. Treebank Workshop ATALA, Paris, pp.43-49.
- Delmonte R., D.Bianchi(1999), Determining Essential Properties of Linguistic Objects for Unrestricted Text Anaphora Resolution, Proc. Workshop on Procedures in Discourse, Pisa, pp.10-24.
- D.Dibattista, E.Pianta, R.Delmonte(1999), Parsing and Interpreting Quantifiers with GETARUN, Proc. VEXTAL, Unipress, pp. 215-225.
- Dario Bianchi, Rodolfo Delmonte(1999), Reasoning with A Discourse Model and Conceptual Representations, Proc. VEXTAL, Unipress, pp. 401-411.
- Delmonte R.(1999), From Shallow Parsing to Functional Structure, in Atti del Workshop AI*IA – “Elaborazione del Linguaggio e Riconoscimento del Parlato”, IRST Trento, pp.8-19.
- Bacalu C., R.Delmonte (1999), Prosodic Modeling for Speech Recognition, in Atti del Workshop AI*IA – “Elaborazione del Linguaggio e Riconoscimento del Parlato”, IRST Trento, pp.45-55.
- Delmonte R.(1999), Grammar and Structure, BULAG 24, 19-37.
- Delmonte R.(1998), Le nuove tecnologie e l’insegnamento della lingua straniera, Periplo, Venezia.
- Delmonte R.(1998), Prosodic Modeling for Automatic Language Tutors, Proc.STiLL 98, ESCA, Sweden, 57-60.
- Delmonte R. D.Bianchi (1998), Dialogues From Texts: How to Generate Answers from a Discourse Model, Atti Convegno Nazionale AI*IA, Padova. 139-143
- Delmonte R.(1998), Phonetic and Prosodic Activities in SLIM, an Automatic Language Tutor, Proc.EUROCALL, Leuven.
- Delmonte R.(1997), Lexical Representations, Event Structure and Quantification, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica, 15, 39-93.
- Delmonte R.(1997), Learning Languages with a “SLIM” Automatic Tutor, in Asiatica Venetiana 2, pp.31-52.
- Delmonte R., M.Petrea, C.Bacalu(1997), SLIM Prosodic Module for Learning Activities in a Foreign Language, Proc.ESCA, Eurospeech97, Rhodes, Vol.2, pp.669-672.
- Delmonte R. R.Dolci(1997), Sound Parsing and Linguistic Strategies, Atti Apprendimento Automatico e Linguaggio Naturale, Torino, pp.1-4.
- Bianchi D., Delmonte R.(1997), Rappresentazioni concettuali nella comprensione di storie, Atti Apprendimento Automatico e Linguaggio Naturale, Torino, pp.95-98.
- Delmonte R.(1997), Rappresentazioni lessicali e linguistica computazionale, Atti SLI, Lessico e Grammatica – Teorie Linguistiche e applicazioni lessicografiche, Roma, Bulzoni, pp.431-462.
- Delmonte R., Dan Cristea, Mirela Petrea, Ciprian Bacalu, Francesco Stiffoni, (1996) MODELLI FONETICI E PROSODICI PER SLIM, Convegno GFS-AIA, Roma, 47-58.
- Delmonte R., Andrea Cacco, Luisella Romeo, Monica Dan, Max Mangilli-Climpson, Francesco Stiffoni, (1996), SLIM – A MODEL FOR AUTOMATIC TUTORING OF LANGUAGE SKILLS, Ed-Media 96, AACE, Boston.
- Delmonte R., (1996), Contextual Reasoning and Inferential Processing, in Proc.SIMAI’96, 229-231.
- Bianchi D., Delmonte R., (1996), Temporal Logic in Sentence and Discourse, in Proc.SIMAI’96, 226-228.
- Delmonte R., E.Pianta, (1996), IMMORTALE – Analizzatore Morfologico, Tagger e Lemmatizzatore per l’Italiano, in Atti V Convegno AI*IA “Cibernetica e Machine Learning”, Napoli, 19-22
- Delmonte R., G.Ferrari, A.Goy, L.Lesmo, B.Magnini, E.Pianta, O.Stock, C.Strapparava, (1996), ILEX – Un dizionario computazionale dell’italiano, Proc. of the Fifth Convegno Nazionale dell’AI*IA “Cibernetica e Machine Learning”, Napoli, 27-30.
- Delmonte R., Bianchi D. (1994), COMPUTING DISCOURSE ANAPHORA FROM GRAMMATICAL REPRESENTATION, in: D. Ross & D. Brick (eds.), Research in Humanities Computing 3, Claredon Press, Oxford, 179-199.