What follows is a list of useful links to resources available on the Web.
Computational linguistics
- Corso di Prolog
- Eugene Charniak's statistical course
- Elisabeth Burr's Korpuslinguistik course
- Chris Brew: Statistical NLP
- Sabine Reich's Corpus course
- HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) HomePage
Natural language processing
- The Online Books Page
- Testi italiani online
- Bbedit Grep Tutorial
- Using concordance programs in the modern foreign languages classroom
- TACT HomePage
- TACT Quick Guide
- CONC: A concordance generator for the Macintosh
- Linguistic Computing Resources on the Internet
- Concordancing
- CTI Textual Studies - Q&A Text Analysis Tools
- A Gentle Introduction to SGML
- Learning XML: Markup and Core Concepts by E.T.Ray
- The ICE-GB Tagset
- Speech Analysis Tutorial - a cura dell'Università di Lund, Svezia
- Sintesi e Fonetica - a cura dell'Università di Stoccarda, Germania
- Speech on the Web - Institute for Perception Research - Eindhoven, NL
- Speech Technology Group - Dipartimento di Ingegneria eletronica - Università di Madrid, Spagna
- Speech Research - a cura del Perceptual Science Laboratory - Università di California a Santa Cruz, USA