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  • Delmonte R., 2009. Computational Linguistic Text Processing – Lexicon, Grammar, Parsing and Anaphora Resolution, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
  • Bos Johan & Rodolfo Delmonte (eds.), 2008. Semantics in Text Processing (STEP), Research in Computational Semantics, Vol.1, College Publications, London.
  • Delmonte R.(1995)(ed.), How to create SLIM courseware - Software Linguistico Interattivo Multimediale, Unipress, Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1992), Linguistic and Inferential Processing in Text Analysis by Computer, UP,Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1989)(ed.), Lessico, Strutture e Interpretazione, UNIPRESS, Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1983)(ed.), Linguistica Computazionale, CLESP, Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1983), Regole di Assegnazione del Fuoco o Centro Intonativo in Italiano Standard, CLESP, Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1979), Piercing into the Psyche: the Poetry of Francis Webb - with a Select Concordance of Keywords and Keyroots, CETID, Venice.


  • Delmonte R., G.A.Mian,G.Tisato(1985), Un riconoscitore morfologico a transizioni aumentate, Atti Convegno Annuale A.I.C.A., Firenze,100-107.
  • Delmonte R.(1989), Computational Morphology for Italian, in AA.VV.,Studi di Linguistica Computazionale, UNIPRESS, Padova, Chapt.I,1-20.
  • Delmonte R., E.Pianta (1996), IMMORTALE - Analizzatore Morfologico, Tagger e Lemmatizzatore per l'Italiano, in Atti V Convegno AI*IA "Cibernetica e Machine Learning", Napoli, 19-22
  • Delmonte R., E.Pianta (1998)(to appear), Immortal: How to Detect Misspelled from Unknown Words, in BULAG, pp. 13.

Lexical Representations and Semantics

  • Delmonte R., A computational approach to implicit entities and events in text and discourse, in International Journal of Speech Technology, Volume 11, Numbers 3-4 / December, 2008, pag. 195-208
  • Delmonte R.(1995a), Lexical Representations: Syntax-Semantics interface and World Knowledge, in Notiziario AIIA (Associazione Italiana di Intelligenza Artificiale), Roma, pp.11-16.
  • Delmonte R., G.Ferrari, A.Goy, L.Lesmo, B.Magnini, E.Pianta, O.Stock, C.Strapparava, ILEX - Un dizionario computazionale dell'italiano, Proc. of the Fifth Convegno Nazionale dell'AI*IA "Cibernetica e Machine Learning", Napoli, 27-30.
  • Delmonte R.(1997), Lexical Representations, Event Structure and Quantification, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica, 15, 39-93.
  • Delmonte R.(1997), Rappresentazioni lessicali e linguistica computazionale, Atti SLI, Lessico e Grammatica - Teorie Linguistiche e applicazioni lessicografiche, Roma, Bulzoni, pp.431-462.

Prosody and Phonetics

  • Delmonte R.(1994),Analisi pragmatica e prosodica dell'enunciato "Vabbene?!", Atti del Convegno AIA - Gruppo Fonetica Sperimentale, Torino - Roma, 163-176.
  • Delmonte R. F. Stiffoni, (1995l), SIWL - Il Database Parlato della lingua Italiana, Convegno AIA - Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale, Trento, 99-116.
  • Delmonte R., Dan Cristea, Mirela Petrea, Ciprian Bacalu, (1995), PROSODICS - a tool to improve pronunciation of a foreign language, Technical Report, Laboratorio di Linguistica Computazionale, Università di Venezia.
  • Delmonte R., Dan Cristea, Mirela Petrea, Ciprian Bacalu, Francesco Stiffoni, MODELLI FONETICI E PROSODICI PER SLIM, Convegno GFS-AIA, Roma, 47-58.
  • Delmonte R., M.Petrea, C.Bacalu(1997), SLIM Prosodic Module for Learning Activities in a Foreign Language, Proc.ESCA, Eurospeech97, Rhodes, Vol.2, pp.669-672.
  • Delmonte R., R.Dolci(1992), Computing Linguistic Knowledge for text-to-speech systems with PROSO, Proceedings 2nd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Genova,ESCA.
  • Delmonte R.(1991), Linguistic Tools for Speech Understanding and Recognition, in P.Laface,R.De Mori(eds), Speech Recognition and Understanding: Recent Advances, NATO ASI Series, Vol.F 75, Springer -Verlag, 481-485.
  • Delmonte R.(1988), Focus and the Semantic Component, in Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 81-121.
  • Delmonte R.(1987), The Realization of Semantic Focus and Language Modeling, in Proceeding of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences ,Tallinn (URSS),100-104.
  • Delmonte R.(1986), A Computational Model for a text-to-speech translator in Italian, Revue - Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines, XXII, 1-4, 23-65.
  • Delmonte R., G.A.Mian,G.Tisato(1984),A Text-to-Speech System for the Synthesis of Italian,Proceedings of ICASSP'84, San Diego(Cal), 291-294.
  • Delmonte R.(1984), On Certain Differences between English and Italian in Phonological Processing and Syntactic Processing, ms., Università di Trieste.
  • Delmonte R.(1983), A Phonological Processor for Italian, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the European Chapter of ACL,Pisa, 26-34.
  • Delmonte R. (1983), Le parlate romagnole di confine: Analisi fonetica e fonologica, Lingua e Contesto, Studi 6, 157-261.
  • Delmonte R.(1982), Automatic Word-Stress Patterns Assignment by Rules: a Computer Program for Standard Italian, Proc. IV F.A.S.E. Symposium, 1, ESA, Roma, 153-156.
  • Delmonte R.(1982/83), Aspetti della percezione e comprensione del parlato, Clesp, Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1981), L'accento di parola nella prosodia dell'enunciato dell'Italiano standard, Studi di Grammatica Italiana, Accademia della Crusca, Firenze, 69-81.
  • Delmonte R.(1981), An Automatic Unrestricted Tex-to-Speech Prosodic Translator, Atti del Convegno Annuale A.I.C.A., Pavia, 1075-83.


  • Delmonte R.(1997), Learning Languages with a "SLIM" Automatic Tutor, in Asiatica Venetiana 2, pp.31-52.
  • Delmonte R., Andrea Cacco, Luisella Romeo, Monica Dan, Max Mangilli-Climpson, Francesco Stiffoni, SLIM - A MODEL FOR AUTOMATIC TUTORING OF LANGUAGE SKILLS, Ed-Media 96, AACE, Boston.
  • Delmonte R., F.Greselin(1995e), How to create SLIM courseware, in Yeow Chin Yong & Chee Kit Looi(eds.),Proceedings of ICCE '95, Singapore,Applications Track, 206-213.
  • Delmonte R.(ed.)(1995f), How to create SLIM courseware - Software Linguistico Interattivo Multimediale, Unipress, Padova.
  • Delmonte R.(1987), Elaboratori, linguistica e didattica, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica, 6, 93-127.
  • Delmonte R.(1986), Linguistica computazionale, Scuola e Lingue Moderne(SeLM),4,ANILS, Modena,80-88.
  • Delmonte R.(1984), L'elaboratore nell'insegnamento dell'inglese scientifico, Atti A.I.C.A.:Il calcolatore e la didattica della chimica, AICA,Napoli,67-104.
  • Delmonte R.(1983), Elaboratori e linguistica, Lingue e Civiltà, 3; 1(1984), Cladil, Brescia.
  • Delmonte R.(1978), Corso di Lingua Inglese Tecnica - realizzato con l'ausilio del Calcolatore Elettronico, Cafoscarina Editrice, Venezia.


  • Delmonte R.(1997), Lexical Representations, Event Structure and Quantification, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica, 15, 39-93.
  • Delmonte R. R.Dolci(1997), Sound Parsing and Linguistic Strategies, Atti Apprendimento Automatico e Linguaggio Naturale, Torino, pp.1-4.
  • Bianchi D., Delmonte R.(1997), Rappresentazioni concettuali nella comprensione di storie, Atti Apprendimento Automatico e Linguaggio Naturale, Torino, pp.95-98.
  • Bianchi D., Delmonte R.(1996), Temporal Logic in Sentence and Discourse, in Proc.SIMAI'96, 226-228.
  • Delmonte R.(1996), Contextual Reasoning and Inferential Processing, in Proc.SIMAI'96, 229-231.
  • Delmonte R. (1995), Understanding texts in different languages with Geta_Run, Proc. JADT'95, Roma, 279-286.
  • Delmonte R.(1995), Reference Resolution and SpatioTemporal Locations, presented at Eurolan '95, Second Euro-Romanian Summer School on Natural Language Processing, "Language and Perception - Representations and Processes".
  • Delmonte R., Dibattista D.(1995), Switching from Narrative to Legal Genre, Working Papers in Linguistics, 5-1, University of Venice, 1-41.
  • Delmonte R., D.Bianchi(1994), Computing Discourse Anaphora from Grammatical Representation, in D.Ross & D.Brink(eds.), Research in Humanities Computing 3, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 179-199.
  • Delmonte R.(1994), Inferences and Discourse Structure, in G.Ferrari(ed), Proc.IV Conference of the Italian Artificial Intelligence Association - AIIA , 11-14.
  • Delmonte R., E.Pianta(1994), Discourse Structure and Linguistic Information, ACH/ALLC '94, Consensus Ex Machina Paris, 61-62.
  • Delmonte R.(1993), GETA_RUN: A fully integrated system for Reference Resolution by Contextual Reasoning from Grammatical Representations, ACL-93, Exhibitions and Demonstrations, Columbus, 1993, p. 2.
  • Bianchi D., R.Delmonte, E.Pianta, S.Sartori(1993), Reference Resolution by Contextual Reasoning from Grammatical Representations with GETA_RUN, "University of Venice Working Papers in Linguistics", 3, 1, 31-68.
  • Bianchi D., R.Delmonte, E.Pianta(1993), Understanding Stories in Different Languages with GETA_RUN, Proc. EC of ACL, Utrecht, 464.
  • Delmonte R., D.Bianchi(1992), Quantifiers in Discourse, in Proc. ALLC/ACH'92, Oxford(UK), OUP, 107-114.
  • Delmonte R., D.Bianchi, E.Pianta(1992), GETA_RUN - A General Text Analyzer with Reference Understanding, in Proc. 3rd Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing, Systems Demonstrations, Trento, ACL, 9-10
  • Delmonte R., D.Bianchi(1991), Binding Pronominals with an LFG Parser, Proceeding of the Second International Workshop on Parsing Technologies, Cancun(Messico), ACL 1991, pp. 59-72.
  • Delmonte R.(1991), Grammatica e Quantificazione in LFG, in "Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica", 10, 1991, pp. 3-71.
  • Delmonte R.(1990), Semantic Parsing with an LFG-based Lexicon and Conceptual Representations, Computers & the Humanities, 5-6, 461-488.

LFG Related Publications

  • Delmonte R.(1983), A Phonological Processor for Italian, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the European Chapter of ACL,Pisa, 26-34.
  • Delmonte R.(1984), La "syntactic closure" nella Teoria della Performance, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica, 4, Padova, 101-131.
  • Delmonte R.(1985), Parsing Difficulties & Phonological Processing in Italian, ibid.
  • Delmonte R.(1987), Grammatica e Ambiguità in Italiano, Annali di Ca' Foscari, XXVI, 1-2, 257-333.
  • Delmonte R.(1987), The Realization of Semantic Focus and Language Modeling, ibid.
  • Delmonte R.(1987), Il principio del sottoinsieme e l'acquisizione del linguaggio, in P.Cordin(ed),Ipotesi e Applicazioni di Teoria Linguistica, - dal XIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Trento, 47-64.
  • Delmonte R.(1988), Focus and the Semantic Component, ibid.
  • Delmonte R. (1988), Appunti per un corso di Grammatica Lessico-Funzionale, Annali di Ca'Foscari, XXVII, 1-2, 51-110.
  • Delmonte R. (1989), L'interpretazione e la quantificazione nella forma logica con LFG, ms., Universita' Ca' Foscari, Venezia, pp.27.
  • Delmonte R.(1989), From Subcategorization Frames to Thematic Roles, in R.Delmonte(ed.),Lessico, Stutture e Interpretazione - Studi Linguistici Applicati I, Unipress, Padova, Chapt.IV,167-212.
  • Delmonte R.(1990), Semantic Parsing with an LFG-based Lexicon and Conceptual Representations, ibid.
  • Delmonte R.(1991), Empty Categories and Functional Features in LFG, Annali di Ca'Foscari, XXX, 1-2,79-140.
  • Delmonte R.(1991), Grammatica e Quantificazione in LFG, Quaderni Patavini di Linguistica, 10, 3-71.
  • Delmonte R., D.Bianchi (1991),Binding Pronominals with an LFG Parser, ibid.
  • Delmonte R., D.Bianchi(1992),Quantifiers in Discourse, ibid.

On Quantitative Analysis of Texts

  • Delmonte R.(1991),L'informatica negli studi linguistici e letterari, in S.Perosa,M.Calderaro,S.Regazzoni Venezia e le lingue e letterature straniere, Roma, Bulzoni, pp. 333-371.
  • Delmonte R.(1983), A Quantitative Analysis of Linguistic Deviation: Francis Webb, a Schizophrenic Poet, REVUE-Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines, XIX, 1-4, 55-117.
  • Delmonte R.(1980), Computer Assisted Literary Textual Analysis with Keymorphs and Keyroots, REVUE-Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences humaines,1, 21-53.
  • Delmonte R.(1975), Various Types of Ambiguities in Patrick White's Riders in the Chariot, LiNQ, Townsville University Press(Australia), Feb/March, 37-53.