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Siete in Persone -> Sara Tonelli

Sara Tonelli

Informazioni generali

Il 29 marzo 2010, Sara Tonelli ha discusso la tesi di dottorato all'Università Ca' Foscari dal titolo: Semi-automatic techniques for extending the FrameNet lexical database to new languages .

Ultimi articoli pubblicati

  • Sara Tonelli, Giuseppe Riccardi, Rashmi Prasad and Aravind Joshi (2010). Annotation of Discourse Relations for conversational spoken dialogs. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), Valletta, Malta.
  • Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta (2010). KX: A flexible tool for Keyphrase eXtraction. In Proceedings of SemEval 2010, Task 5 "Keyword extraction from Scientific Articles", Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Sara Tonelli, Daniele Pighin (2009). New features for FrameNet - WordNet mapping. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Language Learning (CoNLL), Boulder, Colorado.
  • Sara Tonelli, Claudio Giuliano (2009). Wikipedia as frame information repository. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Singapore.
  • Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta. (2009). A novel approach to mapping FrameNet lexical units and WordNet synsets. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2009), Tilburg, Netherlands.
  • Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta. (2009). Three issues about cross-language frame information transfer. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2009), Borovets, Bulgaria
  • Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta. (2009). Analisi della Qualit`a della Traduzione basata su frame. XLIII International Conference of the Italian Linguistic Society (SLI 09), Verona, Italy.
  • Rodolfo Delmonte, Antonella Bristot, Sara Tonelli, Emanuele Pianta. (2009). English/Veneto Resource Poor Machine Translation with STILVEN. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Data and Sense Mining, Machine Translation and Controlled Languages (ISMTCL), Besançon, France.


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