1st day - 22nd November 1999

9 - 9,30

Welcome and Opening Ceremony

Mayor of Venice, Prof. M. Cacciari

Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Prof. G. Cinque

9,30 - 11

First Oral Session

NLP and Text Processing Tools

Fernando Sánchez-León, Flora Ramírez Bustamante, Thierry Declerck

Integrated set of tools for robust text processing

Malvina Nissim, Andrea Sansò

Discarding Expectations When Building Bridges:The Need for a Revision Procedure

Afzal Ballim, Vincenzo Pallotta

Robust parsing techniques for semantic analysis of natural language queries

11 - 11,30
Coffee Break
11,30 - 13

Second Oral Session

NLP Processing Tools and Lexical Knowledge

Alessandro Cucchiarelli, Paola Velardi

Adaptability of Linguistic Resources to New Domains: an experiment with Proper Noun Dictionaries

Marta Gatius, Horacio Rodríguez

Adapting general linguistic knowledge to applications in order to obtain friendly and efficient NL interfaces

N. Calzolari

Syntactic/semantic lexicons for the European languages: towards a standardised infrastructure

13 - 14,30
14,30 - 16

Third Oral Session

Linguistic Theory - Syntax and Semantics

Delia Greth

How many cows are there in a herd? A look at notional number in Spanish subject-verb agreement.

Paola Monachesi

A lexical treatment of Italian clitics

P.A. Buvet

Vers une Modelisation des Quantifiers

16 - 16,30
Coffee Break
16,30 - 19

Fourth Oral Session

Morphology, Lexicon and NLP

J. Trommer

Natural Language Allomorphy in mo_lex

Serge A. Yablonsky

Russian Morphological Analysis

Roland Hausser

Three principled methods of automatic word form recognition

Sofía Galicia-Haro, Alexander Gelbukh, Igor Bolshakov

Advanced Subcategorization Frames for Languages with Relaxed Word Order Constraints (on Spanish Examples)

Dario Bianchi, Rodolfo Delmonte

Reasoning with a Discourse Model and Conceptual Representations

Evening Baroque Concert at Auditorium Santa Margherita

2nd day - 23rd November 1999

9,15 - 11

Industrial Session 1

President: Prof. Stéphane Chaudiron

Khalid Choukri

Les activités de l'Association Européenne des Ressources Linguistiques et l'importance de standards d'échange pour les ressources linguistiques

Jean Jacques Rigoni

The links between language engineering and text-to-speech

Bernard Normier

Applications industrielles dans le domaine du "knowledge management" et du commerce èlectronique : des exemples concrets

C. Sedogbo

Linguistic engineering strategy in Thomson CSF

Poster Session 1

Karl-Michael Schneider

Modular Specification of Chart Parsing Algorithms Using Abstract Parsing Schemata

Adriana Vlad, Adrian Mitrea, Mihai Mitrea, Dragos Popa

Statistical Methods For Verifying The Natural Language Stationarity Based On The First Approximation. Case Study: Printed Romanian

Gaël Dias, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Sylvie Guilloré

Mutual Expectation: A Measure for Multiword Lexical Unit Extraction

Chang Yeol Lee

Local Grammar-based Lexical Stemmer for Korean Language

Monique Frei

Acte d'opposition. Outils pour le TA de Textes de Stomatologie

Laurence Kister

Identification des chaînes de référence dans les systèmes automatiques : le cas des anaphores dans les N de N

Kais Haddar, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou

Un système de recouvrement des ellipses de la langue arabe

Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov

A Dictionary-Based Algorithm for Indirect Anaphora Resolution

11 - 11,30
Coffee Break
11,30 - 13

Industrial Session 2

President: Prof. Antonio Zampolli

Marco Varone

L'importanza della linguistica nei nuovi scenari di mercato

Luca Gilardoni

Language aware tools for Conceptual Classification: a Foundation for a Knowledge Warehouse

Claudio Cirilli

SMEs for Language Engineering: Prospects and Problems

Morena Danieli

TAL per nuovi servizi di telecomunicazione: la ricerca e le applicazioni CSELT

Poster Session 2

Étienne Brunet

Le CD-ROM BATELIER (Base des Textes Littéraires pour l'Enseignement et la Recherche)

Javier Couto, Gustavo Crispino, Mariela Grassi, Mónica Skorodynski

A text model and a formalism for expressing text-level linguistic knowledge

Bès G. G., Hagège C., Coheur L.

De la description des propriétés linguistiques à l'analyse d'une langue

Fabio Rinaldi, Bill Black

A Named Entity Extraction System and its Web extensions

D. Aiello, L. Cerrato, C. Delogu, A. Di Carlo

EUTRANS Project: FUB Activity in Spoken Machine Translation

Eugene Ludovik, Ron Zacharski, Jim Cowie

Language Recognition for Mono- and Multi-lingual Documents

D.Dibattista, E.Pianta, R.Delmonte

Parsing and Interpreting Quantifiers with GETARUN

Haytham Alsharaf

Vers un systeme de traduction juridique français/arabe

13 - 14,30
14,30 - 16

Fifth Oral Session

Parsing and Syntax I

Rens Bod

Extracting Stochastic Grammars from Treebanks

Roux Claude

Phrase-Driven Parser

Philipppe Blache

Shared Trees: Representing a Parse Forest with a Single Tree

16 - 16,30
Coffee Break
16,30 - 19

Sixth Oral Session

Parsing and Syntax II

Manfred Wettler, Christian Hellmann

A Hybrid System for the Designation of Grammatical Case in German

Richard Moot

Grail: an Interactive Parser for Categorial Grammars

Sylvain Kahane

Une Grammaire De Dependance Lexicalisée Avec Bulles Pour Traiter L'extraction

Raffaella Bernardi

Reasoning with Categorial Grammar Logic

A.Abeillé, M.Candito, A.Kinyon

FTAG: current status and parsing scheme


3rd day - 24th November 1999

9,30 - 11

Seventh Oral Session

Semantics and Text Processing

Dubrocard Michel, Luong Nhuan Xuan

Problèmes d'attribution : application de quelques tests statistiques à différents historiens latins, analyse arborée

Joaquim Ferreira da Silva, Gabriel Pereira Lopes

Extracting Multiword Terms from Document Collections

Irina Prodanof, Amedeo Cappelli, Lorenzo Moretti, Massimo Vanocchi

Resources, Tools, Reusability

11 - 11,30
Coffee Break
11,30 - 13

Eighth Oral Session

Anaphora Resolution and Pronominal Binding

Jesús Peral, Maximiliano Saiz-Noeda, Antonio Ferrández, Manuel Palomar

Anaphora resolution and generation in a multilingual system. An Interlingua mechanism

Patricio Martínez-Barco, Rafael Muñoz, Saliha Azzam, Manuel Palomar, Antonio Ferrández

Evaluation of pronoun resolution algorithm for Spanish dialogues

Frederique Depain-Delmotte

La selection de l'antecedent du pronom dans les systèmes de traitement automatique des langues naturelles

13 - 14,30
14,30 - 16

Ninth Oral Session

Semantics and Reasoning

B. Ludwig, G. Gorz, H. Niemann

A Computational Approach to the Semantics of Function Words in Dialogue Context

Delphine Battistelli, Jean-Pierre Desclés

Aspects, modalités d'action et raisonnements

Gustavo Crispino, Slim Ben Hazez, Jean-Luc Minel

ContextO, un outil du projet FilText orientée vers le filtrage sémantique de textes

16 - 16,30
Coffee Break
16,30 - 19

Tenth Oral Session

Semantics and Pragmatics

Anna-Maria Di Sciullo

An Integrated Competence-Performance Model, A Prototype for Morpho-Conceptual Parsing and Consequences for Information Processing

Maria-Caterina Manes-Gallo, Jacques Rouault

Le couple semantique/pragmatique et le calcul du sens

Jordi Atserias, Irene Castellón, Montse Civit, German Rigau

Using a Diathesis Model for Semantic Parsing

Maher Jaoua, Mariem Ellouze, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou

Production et évaluation multicritère d'extraits et génération de résumés basée sur des schémas prédéfinis

R. Basili, M.T. Pazienza, M.Vindigni

Adaptive Parsing and Lexical Learning

Farewell Cocktail Party

Per informazioni potete inviare un messaggio a Rodolfo Delmonte.