Submissions will be anonymous, and should therefore not include the author's name, nor any self-reference. The maximum length is nine pages, single spaced, Times 10, (approx. 6000 words). Hard-copies of the paper must be in A4 format. Authors are encouraged to send an electronic version of their paper.

E-mail address :

Postal address :
VEXTAL - Ca' Garzoni-Moro
San Marco 3417
Universita' Ca' Foscari
30124 - V E N E Z I A (It)

Guidelines for electronic submission :

Authors should send their submission (neither compressed nor encoded) via E-mail as an attached file to the address above, specifying "VEXTAL-submission" as the Subject. A separate identification page (with the following information : title of the paper, author's name, affiliation, postal address, E-mail address, fax and telephone number) should also be send specifying "VEXTAL-author". Papers MUST be sent in one of the following formats :

- RTF (Word) document OR PostScript version.

IMPORTANT : all PostScript versions must be in A4 format.

A special session will be devoted to industrial applications of NLP, be they prototypes or full-fledged commercial products. This session will be partially covered by invited speakers.

Poster parallel sessions will be organized: speakers are encouraged to couple their presentation with a demo. Demos are strongly encouraged, even when prototypes or simply preliminary results are shown. All speakers are invited to present a demo in the Demo Session.

For more information mail to: Rodolfo Delmonte.